Thursday, December 20, 2018

A Thrill of Hope

Tonight, I was able to see Mom for the first time in 2 days. I went home late Monday night to be with Harrison for a few days and get a change of clothes. Y'all, she looks so good. She is still ventilated and on some sedation off and on, but she's looking more and more like Mom.

She was awake and we were able to talk to her and give her an update on all that's going on at home.  I showed her some pictures of Harrison and she smiled and nodded her head. It was so good to see her sweet smile. She wants to communicate with us so bad. She tries to mouth things over the ventilator, but it's so hard to figure out what she's saying. We know this is frustrating for her so we do our best to try and ask simple yes or no questions.

Tomorrow morning they will be putting Mom's trach in around 9 AM. Please pray specifically for an easy procedure for her. Our hope is that this will make her more comfortable and speed up her recovery.

Yesterday, Mom developed a fever and after some blood cultures, they discovered a bacteria in her blood. They brought in an infectious disease specialist and have started her on some strong antibiotics. Her fever seemed to come and go today, so we are praying that is a sign that the antibiotics are working. Another specific prayer request we have is for her left arm. When her body started throwing clots, the muscles were damaged. Please pray that it will continue to get stronger and that there will be no permanent damage to it.

Overall, Mom is still slowly moving in the right direction. Her vitals are stable and her blood work is still trending the right way. We still have a very long road ahead of us and when I think about it, I get overwhelmed.

This morning my Aunt Kes sent us a picture of a Christmas ornament that said "A thrill of hope...the weary world rejoices." How timely. This Christmas season, we are clinging to that thrill of hope.

Keep the prayers coming,



  1. Thanks for the update. Continuing to send prayers from SC🙏

  2. Sweet Addie, I am so proud of you. You are amazing. Love you and praying for your mom. Shirley Judge.


New Hope

It’s been so long since I’ve opened this blog and written a post. I’ve had no need to because there have been no changes with Mom. This is a...