Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day. I'm not going to try and sugar coat things...today was rough. I wanted to pretend like it wasn't Christmas. I just wanted it to be another day, but I have a 10 month old and a 12 year old little sister so today was unavoidable. We spent the day at the hospital with Mom and did our best to enjoy it.

Mom was very down today. Every time someone would tell her "Merry Christmas" she would start to cry. It was sad and we did our best to encourage her. In the ICU, they have a rule that children are not allowed in patient rooms. These patients are the sickest of sick and it’s not a place for kids. Today, they made an exception though. They allowed us to bring Harrison back to see Mom and it was a special moment that left us all in tears. She was happy to see him and he was happy to see his sweet Lollie. He brought her a Christmas gift and she was able to kiss him on the cheek. It did my heart so good and I was thankful for the moment.

He's smiling because kisses from his Lollie are his favorite. 

We were encouraged to find out this morning that they finally found the source of the high WBC and fever. Mom has pneumonia in her right lung. The infectious disease doctors have changed her antibiotics and she has now been 24 hours fever free. Praise the Lord.

Mom seems to be holding steady. Our biggest battle right now is high heart rate from anxiety. Mom's body has been through so much and now her mind is trying to catch up with what is going on. 24/7 there are doctors and nurses checking her, talking over her, and changing her treatment plan. It’s extremely stressful for us and we aren't the patient. Please pray for that. Pray that the Lord will remove any anxiety or worries that she has. She is still in critical condition and she knows that. I can't even imagine how scary it is for her.

SO many people have blessed our family recently. I couldn't even make a list if I wanted to. We are so thankful for each and every one of you. From the prayers, to the food, to donations and hugs...we are so thankful. This Christmas was made special because of sweet friends and family who went out of their way to provide food and gifts. We will never be able to repay you all. We all hope you had the Merriest Christmas and got to spend it hugging your loved ones tight. We aren't promised tomorrow and holidays like today should be cherished. The Lord is so good and we are so thankful this Christmas for the birth of His son.

Merry Christmas!

Harrison loved the Gumbo!

Christmas Lunch

The rest of the gang!
Sophie and her favorite nurse Rose. 


  1. Praying for her and you all. Father, draw near.

  2. Praising God that they found the infection problem! One step at a time!

  3. Praying for your mom and the entire family.

  4. Praying for the miracle you all need today.

  5. Praying so glad that the doctors found the problem, God’s blessings come in the small things like Harrison’s kiss to his Lillie. Love you and your family


New Hope

It’s been so long since I’ve opened this blog and written a post. I’ve had no need to because there have been no changes with Mom. This is a...