Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Up-to-date Faith

Our family has a rule that, for now, at least two people are at the hospital with Mom at all times. Like I’ve said before, this journey is a complete rollercoaster and we never know when the floor is going to fall out from underneath us. It’s just not smart for someone to be there alone. Last week, Grannie and I were up there from Sunday night - Thursday late night. I had to run home on Tuesday to a doctors appointment and Mom’s sweet friend, Lana Martin, came up to sit with Grannie. We are so thankful for all of our friends and family that are helping us.

Friday morning, I was at home with Harrison and to be honest I was feeling extremely down. I spent the morning praying for peace.. praying for the Lord to show me reason for all that we have gone through. I was in the kitchen preparing lunch for Harrison and I heard him start throwing things on the floor. He was emptying a drawer and in it was a book written by my great- grandfather. “Padre” is my Mom’s Grandfather. I never had the opportunity to meet him and from stories I have been told I missed out big time. My Mom has always told me “He was the most spiritual man I have ever known... He was someone we should all strive to be like.” Padre was a pastor and founded a church in Central named Immanuel Baptist. He was a man that devoted his life to the Lord and whole heartedly believed in the scripture.

When I picked up the book that Harrison tossed on the ground, it was opened to this page.

“And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up; and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.”

If our faith is up-to-date, you can be sure that the days of miracles are not past. “I am the Lord thy God, I change not”

How perfect. How timely. If there’s one thing I’ve learned during this whole journey it’s that the Lord hears our prayers and knows exactly what our hearts need at exactly the right time. I whole heartedly believe the days of miracles are not past for Mom. She will get up and walk one day. She will leap and Praise God for all that he has done in her life. I can’t wait for that day. 

Mom’s progress is still moving forward. We are thankful that it’s been 11 days without any serious set backs. Recently, the doctors have struggled with getting her pain medicines regulated. Certain pain meds can cause certain side effects and figuring out what her body can tolerate along with what keeps her comfortable has been a difficult task. We need her to be alert enough to participate in physical and speech therapy but we also need to have her comfortable enough to tolerate therapy. It’s a thin line and a difficult balance to find. Please pray that they can get her comfortable without medicine that causes serious drowsiness. 

This week my Aunt Kes has been in town which has allowed me to have some time at home to rest up and enjoy Harrison. She FaceTimed me this morning and it was the sweetest FaceTime call I’ve ever received. Speech therapy was working with Mom and for the first time in six weeks I heard my Mom say “Hi Addie... I love you”. If you know me and Mom then you know how close we are. I was her primary caretaker before this surgery and not a day went by that I wasn’t with her. She’s my absolute best friend and my heart has missed her so much. Hearing that voice did this heart so good. 

Mom is a fighter. She has proved that to us and the hospital staff every day that she has been there. She’s overcome so much and is motivated to overcome even more. Please continue to pray for her strength both mentally and physically. The road ahead seems so daunting and at times can feel impossible. We have full belief, that with the help of Jesus, mom will make a full recovery. Please join our family in claiming complete healing over Mom. We are so thankful for the continued prayers and support. It’s only by His Grace and your prayers that we are still climbing this mountain. 

1 comment:

  1. Addie what a true blessing you are for your mom and your family. I know that your Padre would love you. He was a great man and I met him in 1966 before I met your Pops and Granny. Hugs and love.



New Hope

It’s been so long since I’ve opened this blog and written a post. I’ve had no need to because there have been no changes with Mom. This is a...