Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Where do we begin?

Thanksgiving is a time where we all sit around a table with our family and reflect on the past year and give thanks for all the Lord has done. 

Where does my family even begin?? 

Everyday I’m thankful that I don’t know what the future holds. Last thanksgiving, we gave thanks that Mom’s doctors qualified her for the LVAD surgery. We gave thanks that we had been given the hope of a better life for her. We could have never imagined what the next week would hold. Thinking about it now is almost daunting. We don’t know what tomorrow holds... only Jesus does. In Deteuronomy, We are told to not be afraid because He goes before us and is with us every step along the way. Tonight I’m thankful that no matter what tomorrow holds, Jesus is already there. He’s preparing my heart today to withstand whatever might be thrown it’s way tomorrow. Thank you Lord!

For those who haven’t seen my Mom’s Facebook updates... Mom is doing so well. She’s getting better and stronger every single day. Her days consist of lots of therapy and home health check ups. My sweet Grannie is working her tail off caring for Mom. She brings Mom to every single appointment and cares for her 24/7. Please continue to pray for Grannie’s strength. 

We recently bought Mom a handicap van. I can’t even begin to explain to you how it’s revolutionized our life. Mom is able to go anywhere she wants now and getting her to and from therapy is a 100 times easier. The van was a huge expense and we are still working on getting it paid off. On December 14th, Central Community Theatre is putting on a Dessert Theatre Christmas benefit to help with some of these expenses. I want to invite you all. Mom will be there and I know she would love to thank each and every one of you for praying her through the biggest battle of her life. I have attached the link to buy tickets. If you can’t attend and want to contribute, there’s a place to do that too on the website. 

This week Mom was approved to receive her prosthetic. It should be here next week for her to start learning how to use it. Please pray for that. I know it’s going to be so hard physically and emotionally for her to learn to walk again. But y’all... how amazing is that?!? My Mom is going to walk again. But God! I will never forget how I felt watching the surgeon walk away from us after telling us he had amputated Mom’s leg. I’m tearing up remembering the hurt, devastation and complete shock. I couldn’t see then, that there would be a day where Mom would be well enough to learn to walk. Thank you Jesus for carrying her through this storm and giving us this beautiful rainbow of hope to now hold on to. 

This thanksgiving our family is so thankful for Jesus. We are thankful for every answered prayer... every miracle... and every moment that he carried us through the nightmare that was the last year. We are thankful for Mom’s life, her future and the hope we now have for her to one day receive a heart transplant and be able to put the days of heart failure completely behind her. We are thankful for healing and the Lord’s sweet sweet mercies. You see, our family did not deserve what the Lord did for us. Nothing we did warranted Him to perform miracle after miracle. He just did. He gave us blessings upon blessings because he could. Because He loves us and because He is continuing to sacrifice for us. God is so good and his mercies are new every single day. My prayer for all my family and friends this holiday season is that you sit back and love on your family. Enjoy them, love on them, Cherish them and hold them tight. Be thankful that you have them today and don’t worry what tomorrow holds because the Lord is already there.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! We pray your day is blessed and surrounded with all the ones you love! We love you! 

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