Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Will you join me?

It has been a little over a year and a half since my Mom’s original LVAD surgery and the week that our life changed forever. Looking back at that time I’m overwhelmed with how far she has come and I’m so thankful we have her here with us today. Today, I sat in the chair of my sweet beautician and was reminded how many amazing friends and family we have. You guys loved us through some really hard times. You were the hands and feet of Jesus and you picked us up and carried us through the fire. I felt it in my heart to reach out to you again today and give you an update on what is currently going on in my Mom’s life. 

The past 6 months have been mostly good for Mom. She’s had no major set backs and it’s mostly been a time of rehabilitation for her. For anyone who doesn’t know her story... My Mom had well over 10 surgeries in a week period that ended with an AKA, a LVAD and a 300+ day hospital stay. So to say the recovery is still ongoing is an understatement. She is currently in a wheelchair and has lost a lot of function in her left hand. Insurance has decided that they don’t believe she needs as much therapy as she does... and because of that reason she isn’t progressing as fast as she hoped to. Not to mention that her therapy was put on pause for a minute due to COVID-19. Her precious therapist at Central Physical therapy is working her tail off and we are so thankful for him. He’s an angel sent from heaven and we couldn’t be more blessed to have him. It’s very easy for Mom to get discouraged these days. Getting back to normal life after the accident wasn’t what she expected. To be honest, it wasn’t what we expected either. She had the expectation that the LVAD would give her a new lease on life and it’s in fact done the opposite. I can’t pretend to explain how she feels or what she’s going through, BUT I can tell you that seeing her grieve her old life is tearing me apart. It’s tearing our whole family apart. Bear with me as I am super raw and honest with you guys. We need prayer. We need the Lord to give Mom a renewed vision. We need Him to show her the purpose in this new life. We need his love to overwhelm her every single day like His love overwhelmed me back in December of 2018. We need him to fill her, my grandmother, my sisters, everyone with a strength that we have never felt. We need him to give her the ability to WALK more than anything else. My prayer recently is that before the year 2020 ends my Mom will have the ability to walk. I truly feel Iike that if we can get her to walk that she will be able to embrace this new life of hers. 

I write all this to ask you, my faithful and prayerful friends... will you join me in praying for my Mom again this year? Will you ask the Lord to give her the purpose and ability to walk? I’ve seen first hand what can happen when we storm heavens gates with prayers and I’m confident that if we ask Him again, He will again answer. 

We love you and are so blessed by you. 


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