Monday, June 15, 2020

Not Today Satan.

When prayers are answered, I always find myself teary eyed and so thankful it makes me short of breath. This morning my Mom called me and although she was very emotional, the call literally took my breath away.

I will never understand why Mom always gets the toughest battle to fight or why this War is never over for her...but I will always understand who wins her battles. Back in December I promised the Lord that if He healed her body, I would never stop declaring and sharing His name. So here I am again, telling you that the only reason my Mom is alive is because sweet Jesus healed her.

Mom is doing well today. She seems to be more clear and more herself. She is still so weak that she can’t sit up by herself right now. It breaks my heart. She had come so far, and I feel like this stupid sickness has knocked her back. I’m praying that it’s a minor set back and each day she will get stronger. Please pray for strength for Mom. I know she’s so discouraged, but we won’t let satan steal her accomplishments. Not today, not any day. She’s come far and she will continue to go farther. No one can really tell us what caused all of this. It’s so frustrating to me. I want to know why this happened so we are sure it doesn’t happen again. All they can say is that she got a virus and it made her really sick. She tested negative for COVID-19, but could that have been wrong? I don’t know...Probably not, but what was it? There’s a good chance we will never know.  All I can say is that Mom is the strongest person I know. She’s still got a fight ahead of her and although I feel like we are turning a corner, she’s got a lot to accomplish to get out of this hospital.
Specifically, we need to pray that she can get off of the blood pressure medicine soon. She’s having issues keeping it high enough and for some reason when she sleeps it likes to drop. She’s also on a heparin drip... we need to get back on Coumadin in order to go home. Lastly, she’s still on oxygen. She needs to be completely breathing on her own. Please keep these things in mind when you pray for her.

Thank you all so much for your concern and prayers. It keeps me going knowing that people are wondering how we are doing. We love you and are so thankful for every single one of you.


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