Saturday, August 1, 2020

Move Those Mountains

The last five days have been nothing short of a complete roller coaster. When one minute is good, the next could be awful. The saying, “We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds it” has never been truer. When they told us how sick Mom was on Tuesday, I had no clue if Mom would make it through the day, much less to the weekend. I did know, though, that no matter the ending, the Lord was holding her. 

Yesterday, we had a family meeting with her doctors. Most of the family came in and for the first time the doctors were able to give us a run down from the beginning on what they think happened and where we were. Although nothing has grown on a culture, they believe that Mom has a serious infection that caused her to go into multi-organ failure. Mom has run fever as high as 104, her white count has been as high as 30 and her lactic acid had gotten as high as 9. These are all signs of sepsis. They told us that on a CT scan they also saw some pneumonia in her left lung that could also be attributing to the fever and white count. When all this happened, it created the perfect storm for her kidneys to stop working as well as her heart and liver. Fortunately, by yesterday morning her Kidneys were back producing urine and her liver numbers had stabilized. Her right heart function had improved and the hope is that it will continue to improve. Mom is on a ton of strong antibiotics and our prayer is that, even though we don’t know the exact bug that she has, the antibiotics will kill it. They basically told us that the next few days will tell us what happens with Mom. We will either see significant improvement or she will get sicker. Only the Lord knew what would happen and they couldn’t tell us either way, but that we should prepare for the worst. 

This morning, Mom’s doctors came in saying that they thought she had turned a corner. The doctor actually said “As usual Mrs Kim is surprising us”. Of course she is!!! They also reminded us that she’s not out of the woods yet, but was headed in the right direction. By this afternoon, she was doing so well that there is now discussions of extubating her. She has been off of sedation all day today and is able to answer our questions by blinking and moving her head. She is not combative and although you can tell she wants the vent to go, she is not fighting it. If she continues to have a good day and a good night, they will turn the vent off tomorrow and if she does well for a few hours they will extubate her. Praise the Lord!! Can you join me in praising Jesus for this news? Thank you Lord for giving her peace!! Thank you for easing her mind and bringing her to this place so quickly. Thank you for giving us a glimmer of hope during this nightmare. We look to You and we give You all the credit and praise for this news. 

Mom still has an awfully long road ahead of her and things can still go down hill. We aren’t out of the woods and the future is still unclear, but I refuse to live thinking of the worst anymore. I’m rejoicing in today and thanking God for the improvements in her body. I’m living hopeful and thankful. I’m believing that this news is the beginning of another indescribable miracle. The book of Matthew tells us that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Well I’m here to tell you that my faith is the size of that mountain. Nothing in my life is impossible. I have faith that Mom can make a full recovery, I have faith that Mom will come home from this hospital and I have faith that one day day Mom will walk back into this place on two feet and be given the gift of a new heart. I hope satan hears me loud and clear, get the heck out of here because no matter how hard you knock me down I will continue to stand back up and I will continue to lift my hands and praise Him, Jesus. Jesus gets the glory and Jesus gets the praise. 

Please continue to lift us up. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you. When I first started this blog, I only had a couple hundred readers, today, I have almost 6,000 people reading and praying for Mom. Thankful doesn’t begin to describe how our family feels. You guys are holding us up. You guys are praying Mom through this battle. Please continue to. My Mom is a fighter and with her will to live and the Lord’s promises, this battle isn’t over. It will be won. 

We love you all! 


1 comment:

  1. Praying sweetie... we are praying for sweet Kim. much love


New Hope

It’s been so long since I’ve opened this blog and written a post. I’ve had no need to because there have been no changes with Mom. This is a...